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We're ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. We develop and publish International Standards.
IQCERT is an international network of partner certification bodies. Since being estabilished in 1989, IQCERT has remained the world’s largest network of leading certification bodies; with numerous partners spanning hundreds of offices and subsidiaries throughout the globe.
ISO Standards in action
ISO International Standards provide practical tools for tackling many of today’s global challenges. In the following sections you can learn about how International Standards work in the real world, and the benefits they bring to business, society and the environment.
Sustainable development
Climate change
Energy efficiency and renewables
What are the benefits of ISO International Standards?
ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For business, they are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity. They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for developing countries and facilitate free and fair global trade.
What is ISO?
ISO originated from the union of two organisations – the ISO (International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations) and the UNSCC (United Nations Standard Coordinating Committee). In 1946 over 25 countries met at the Institute of Civil Engineers in London to create a new international organisation, where the objective was to ‘facilitate the international coordination and unification of industrial standards’ From this the new organisation ISO began operations in February 1947. The word ISO is derived from the Greek ISOS meaning ‘equal’. As the International Organization for Standardization would translate differently across different languages it was decided that the short form name for the organisation would be ISO.
Today the ISO has grown to a confederation of delegates representing over 150 countries and has published over 16,500 international standards. They meet on a regular basis to further develop new and existing management standards.
Benefits of Certification
Each standard supports its own benefits within every industry, however the common benefits across the certifications include: widened market potential, compliance to procurement tenders, improved efficiency and cost savings, higher level of customer service, and therefore satisfaction, and heightened staff moral and motivation. By having a recognised management standard it tells your customers that you are serious about their needs.
Standards That We Can Certificate
Here are some of the standards that we can certificate:
ISO 9001 is a quality management system, implementing a systematic and process driven approach to managing your business.
ISO 14001 is an environmental management system for controlling the aspects of your business that have a significant impact on the environment.
BS EN 15713 is a framework of key conditions to be adhered to for companies that destroy confidential information on behalf of their customers; the security of this information being integral to this.
BS OHSAS 18001 is a health and safety management system for controlling and monitoring risks that can arise from the company’s day to day activities.
ISO 27001 is an information security management system for effectively manage risks to the security of your company’s confidential information.
Popular standards
ISO 9000 Quality management
ISO 14000 Environmental management
ISO 3166 Country codes
ISO 26000 Social responsibility
ISO 50001 Energy management
ISO 31000 Risk management
ISO 22000 Food safety management
ISO 4217 Currency codes
ISO 639 Language codes